Step into who you truly are and

untame your business potential

The first time I ever spoke on stage, I was 9 years old.
It was a 4-H public speaking competition and I was so excited to share my speech I had written and rehearsed for the past few months about my blankie named Shreddies.

It was a bit of an odd topic, but somehow I managed to captivate the audience and went home with an award.

The reason I share this story is not to WOW you that I have had the chance to speak on stages at a young age, but rather to share how that experience hindered my speaking success for years to come as I re-introduced my love of speaking into my business.

I thought it was enough to be a "good speaker".
Every single time I spoke, I would either create a new talk or I would share a talk that I thought would "captivate" the audience.

I was invited to speak on several stages, sharing the stage with BIG names in the industry... and every single time I would get hugs, pats on the back, comments of what a great speaker I was. And every time I would get few to no results in growing my business and making sales.

It wasn't until I was speaking at an event in Las Vegas, again making not a single sale for my business, that I realized something needed to change.

I sat beside a friend, who was also speaking at the event.
They shared with me that from their 30 minute talk, he made $500,000 in sales! And when I told him I had no sales to show, he asked me a very matter of fact question...

"Then why are you speaking?"

That question sat with me for months to come.
He was right.
Speaking was costing me money.
But not only that, if I was to be honest with myself, I wasn't bringing in consistent revenue in any of my forms of communication in business.

I decided to learn to skills I needed to learn to sell from the stage. To speak in away that allowed me to connect to my audience, show up authentically and make sales from my soul!

I began converting 5-Figures every single time I spoke.
I integrated my core message into my marketing and everything changed for me in business.

Now years later I teach my exact methodology to my clients who get clear, feel fully aligned with their message and convert 5-figures themselves on the stages (in person or digital) that they speak on!

Speaking is the foundational skill you need for all of your marketing strategies!
It is the core of your brand.
It elevates you as the expert that you are!

Are you ready to become the Influential Speaker you are being called to be?


The Ultimate Speakers Blueprint is the bundle that every speaker needs to begin building a solid foundation of success. This bundle program includes 6 different resources that teach you the strategies you need to build success in your business through speaking.



The HELL YES Offer System is a 2-day LIVE online training that teaches you how to create an offer that has your audience saying HELL YES!

Learn how to lay out your offer to attract your soul mate clients, communicate your offer to increase desire and create a value ladder within your business to begin creating clarity in your business as a speaker!



The Influential Speakers Formula Training is the ULTIMATE speakers training that creates lasting results in business and speaking for years to come

In this training you will:

  • Create your signature talk that will connect and convert clients consistently from the stage

  • Deliver it in a way that unlocks your true influential power

  • Market yourself as a speaker to land the right speaking opportunities to grow your business fast!



The Speaker Success Toolkit is a 6 Audio Training series that delivers high value tools to implement to begin building your talk and begin seeing results through speaking.


What is all covered in this training?

Module 1: How to Create Wealth and Influence

Module 2: How to Position Yourself as the Expert

Module 3: How to Choose a Topic and Know your Audience

Module 4: How to Create Content that Influences

Module 5: How to Create a Product People Want

Module 6: How to Position Your Product to Sell

PLUS an amazing bonus training!!


The Ultimate Speakers Bundle is the best way to begin expanding your speaking by getting onto more stages filled with your right audience


What is included in this membership?

20-30 New Speaking Leads Every Single Month


Trainings and Templates for:

Creating your Speakers One Page

Emails to connect to potential speaking opportunities

The Radically Authentic Speaking Road Map to filling your speaking calendar with profitable gigs


The Influential Speakers Formula Training is the ULTIMATE speakers training that creates lasting results in business and speaking for years to come


This exclusive training deep dives into the 3 key elements every speaker needs to fully succeed

Get training and hands on support in designing your signature talk that generates connections and sales every time, delivering your talk to elevate yourself as
the expert and marketing yourself as a speaker to fill your calendar with quality opportunities

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